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Revisión del 13:26 23 jun 2010


Ores can be reduced starting from level 30 after the purchase of a pointed heel with Deokbae for 80.000 Yang from the respective veins.

Image Item Vein Place Info
Archivo:Diamondstone.jpg Diamond Stone Vein of Diamonds Bakra, Mount Sohan, Bokjung, Imha, Jayang, Joan, Jungrang, Pyungmoo, Waryong, Yongan Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild to one Diamond are made.
Archivo:Ebony ore.jpg Ebony Ore Vein of Ebony Ore Bakra, Mount Sohan, Bokjung, Imha, Jayang, Jungrang, Valley of Seungryong, Waryong Yongbi-Desert Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Ebony are made.
Archivo:Fossil trunk.jpg Fossil Trunk Vein of Fossil Trunk Ore Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Fossil Wood are made.
Archivo:Gold ore.jpg Gold Ore Vein of Gold Ore Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Valley of Seungryong, Yongbi-Desert, Yongan Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Gold are made.
Archivo:Skytearsore.jpg Heavens Tear Ore Vein of Heavens Tear Ore Mount Sohan, Doyyumhwaji, Hwang-Temple Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild to one Heavens Tear are made.
Archivo:Jadeore.jpg Jade Ore Vein of Jade Ore Bakra, Mount Sohan, Bokjung, Imha, Jayang, Jungrang, Valley of Seungryong, Waryong Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Jade are made.
Archivo:Crystal ore.jpg Crystal Ore Vein of Crystal Ore Mount Sohan, Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Yongbi-Desert Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild to one Crystal are made.
Archivo:Copper ore.jpg Copper Ore Vein of Copper Ore Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Copper are made.
Archivo:Quarzore.jpg Amethyst Ore Vein of Amethyst Ore Mount Sohan, Hwang-Temple Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild to one Amethyst are made.
Archivo:Silver ore.jpg Silver Ore Vein of Silver Ore Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Silver are made.
Archivo:Piece of bead.jpg Piece Pearl Pile of Clams Mount Sohan, Valley of Seungryong Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild to one Pearl are made.
Archivo:Whitegoldore.jpg White Gold Ore Vein of White Gold Ore Mount Sohan, Imha, Jungrang, Valley of Seungryong, Waryong Can by use of the guild furnace of the guild too Whitegold gemacht werden.

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Refined Ore

These articles are manufactured in guilds a furnace and can be used according to their description. Apparent the decoration gets a bonus, if e.g. into a bead ear ring a bead is inserted.

Image Item Info
Archivo:Amethyst.jpg Amethyst Violet quartz. Can be attached the Amethyst decoration articles.
Archivo:Diamond.jpg Diamond The strongest jewel, which adds a version in decoration articles.
Archivo:Ebonywood.jpg Ebony The lightest and strongest wood of all. Can be attached the ebony-decoration-against-stood.
Archivo:Fossilwood.jpg Fossil Wood A valuable wood. Can be attached to the wood decoration articles.
Archivo:Gold.jpg Gold Golden metal, which is used for the production of decoration. Can be attached to the gold decoration articles.
Archivo:Skytear.jpg Heavens Tear Crystallized rain of the sky. Can be attached to the sky tear decoration articles.
Jade.jpg Jade One of the valuable minerals. Can be attached the Jade decoration articles.
Archivo:Crystal.jpg Crystal Also rock crystal or quartz mentioned. Can be attached the crystal decoration articles.
Archivo:Copper.jpg Copper Sometimes one uses, in order to manufacture bronze and coins. Can be attached to the copper decoration articles.
Archivo:Pearl.jpg Pearl To the production of decoration uses. Can be attached to the bead decoration articles.
Archivo:Silver.jpg Silver Shining metal, which is used for the production of decoration. Can be caused to the silver decoration articles.
Archivo:Whitegold.jpg White Gold Gold, which like silver looks, but is harder. Can be attached to the white gold decoration articles.

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