Metin2Wiki ES:Vandalismo

Bienvenidos a reportes de Vandalismo

Aquí usted puede llamar la atención de Wiki-Moderador de vandalismo, guerras, reportar importantes y concretas, o repetidas ofensas contra las reglas de la Wikipedia. Se tomarán medidas contra las direcciones IP o usuarios que rompan las reglas.

Vandalismo: Pulsa aquí para reportar!
  1. Please follow the red tip over the editing window if you find a vandal.
  2. Check the "Log Block" page to see if a user has already reported the problem.
  3. Please enter all news links or images on these pages as evidence.
  4. In order to prevent vandalism, this page is half-locked. None Registered-Users can report incidents on the Discussion page.
  5. This page is not a discussion forum about other issues or other problems between certain users!
  6. Comments of users not about vandalism are undesirable, unless they have contributed towards the problem.
  7. If you believed a user was locked wrongly because of a report here then email or PM one of the Metin2Wiki-Moderators via the Forum.
  8. If you have any questions please read the Help page about vandalism.
  9. Only vandalism is allowed to be discussed here. Discussion of other matters is forbidden.
  10. You can report Vandalism and other illegal actions as well via mail ( We will take care of it then!